Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today's Spotlight Artist: Action Bronson

I recently had the good fortune of stumbling upon one of THE best mixtapes I have heard in a while. The whole while I listened, I was blown away by its sheer creativity. With crazy beats and offbeat lyrics,  this tape definitely has my vote for best mixtape of 2012. Who was the artist who dropped this gem, you may ask? None other than this guy

"Nick, that's not a rapper. That's a swagged-out lumberjack. TF are you on?" Well, snarky reader, this man here is Action Bronson; and if you haven't heard of him by now, I'd advise you to do some research on him ASAP. The tape I'm speaking of is entitled Blue Chips, and it dropped a few months back. 

Get it! DO IT NOW!

Guys. I would not steer you wrong. Do yourself a favor and add this baby to your collection. It is one of THE most original and well-put-together mixtapes I have heard in years. One of the main reasons this tape has affected me like it has may be because I was beginning to lose hope for hip-hop as an art form. The industry has become so corrupted by hedonism and materialism, there didn't seem to be much realness left. However, between this mixtape and "Life is Good," my love for rap is now stronger than ever. Bronson may not be famous just yet, but dernit if he keeps puttin out stuff like this I foresee it happening very soon. 

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